Our Book is Being Published!

As some of you may know, we at The Ace and Aro Advocacy Project have been working on writing a book about asexuality and aromanticism for some years now. We are happy to confirm that our book will be published by Jessica Kingsley Publishers. They also published Rebecca Burgess’s How to Be Ace and will be publishing the upcoming untitled books by Sounds Fake But Okay as well as TAAAP’s own Elle Rose and Cody Daigle-Orians!

TAAAP’s book will be a deep dive into the process of discovering and embracing an ace or aro identity, including quotes we’ve collected from hundreds of people about their own personal journeys. It will be a resource for anyone who is on the aromantic or asexual spectrums, plus anyone who knows or works with aro or ace people.

It will include:

  • Advice for getting yourself or others through some of the struggles that we face
  • Perspectives on the different ways that being asexual or aromantic can impact your life
  • Illustrative examples from the lives of real aro and ace people.

We are very excited, and can’t wait to share it with all of you (probably in 2023)!

TAAAP is writing a book… and we need your help!

We were approached by a publisher several months ago who would like to publish a book on asexuality and aromanticism.  This book would be geared towards people who work with asexual and/or aromantic people in a professional setting — i.e. mental health professionals, doctors, guidance counselors, volunteers/employees at LGBTQ+ centers, etc.

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