Join Our Team

If you’re interested in joining TAAAP, please fill out the form below and we’ll get in touch.

We are particularly interested in, though certainly not exclusively:

  • People of color
  • Men
  • People over the age of 35
  • Asexual people who do not identify as part of the aro community or are alloromantic
  • Aromantic people who do not identify as part of the ace community or are allosexual
  • Demi (romantic or sexual) people
  • Bilingual or multi-lingual people
  • Straight or cishet aspecs

In addition, we are looking for people to help with some of the following tasks:

  • Running our social media accounts (Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook)
  • Webmaster
  • Creating infographics
  • Presenting at conferences
  • Moderating TAAAP Pride Chats
  • General organizing/upkeep

Prior experience/skills which could be useful:

  • People in healthcare
  • People in research
  • Graphic design
  • Translation
  • Transcription
  • Familiarity with non-anglophone aspec spaces/communities