August ’21 TAAAP Pride Chats – Intersections with Other LGBTQ+ Identities

This month’s topic is how ace and aro identities intersect with other LGBTQIA+ identities! This can cover anything from other orientations and identities of yours, to how you participate in LGBTQIA+ communities (or don’t), to how you show allyship. While this topic centers around personal experiences with other LGBTQIA+ identities, the Chats are open to those who are ace/aro/aspec without necessarily identifying as LGBTQIA+ in any way. 

The rest of the Discord will still be open, along with the channels specifically to discuss the Carnival of Aros and the Carnival of Aces.

This month’s chat will take place from Saturday, August 28 to Sunday, August 29, from 10am Saturday through 1:00 am Sunday, then 10:00 am – 11:59 pm Sunday Eastern Daylight Time. (That’s 2 PM GMT Saturday through 5 AM GMT Sunday, then re-opening Sunday at 2 PM again until 4 AM GMT.) Per usual we will have 2 hour voice chats both days, based on availability of participants.

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