ASAW 2022 – Aros and Romance

We continue our series of Aspec Voices for Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week. Once again, we are focusing on the struggles and issues of specific parts of the aro community – people who are often overlooked by mainstream alloromantic people talking about orientations and even hidden within aro communities.

There are many aromantic people who have or want romantic relationships, but some people assume that anyone who is aromantic can’t want or have romantic relationships. We wanted to highlight the voices of aros who are in or want to be in romantic relationships. Thank you to all who volunteered their time and shared their experiences.

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ASAW 2022 – Disabled and Neurodivergent Aros

We continue our series of Aspec Voices for Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week. Once again, we are focusing on the struggles and issues of specific parts of the aro community – people who are often overlooked by mainstream alloromantic people talking about orientations and even hidden within aro communities.

Aromantic people who have disabilities or neurodivergences are often overlooked or ignored, so we wanted to highlight some of their voices. Thank you to all who volunteered their time and shared their experiences.

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ASAW 2022 – Aros and Parenting

We continue our series of Aspec Voices for Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week. Once again, we are focusing on the struggles and issues of specific parts of the aro community – people who are often overlooked by mainstream alloromantic people talking about orientations and even hidden within aro communities.

Aromantic people who have children or want them aren’t heard from often, and many don’t have the resources or representation they deserve, so we wanted to highlight some of their voices. Thank you to all who volunteered their time and shared their experiences.

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ASAW 2022 – Older Aros

We continue our series of Aspec Voices for Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week. Once again, we are focusing on the struggles and issues of specific parts of the aro community – people who are often overlooked by mainstream alloromantic people talking about orientations and even hidden within aro communities.

Older aromantic people are often invisible and many don’t even realize they exist, so we wanted to highlight some of their voices. Thank you to all who volunteered their time and shared their experiences.

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ASAW 2022 – Aro Men

We continue our series of Aspec Voices for Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week. Once again, we are focusing on the struggles and issues of specific parts of the aro community – people who are often overlooked by mainstream alloromantic people talking about orientations and even hidden within aro communities.

Aromantic men and masculine-aligned people are a minority in our community, and their existence is often doubted, so we wanted to highlight some of their voices. They face different and specific struggles that need to be heard. Thank you to all who volunteered their time and shared their experiences.

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First Nations and Indigenous Ace and Aro Perspectives

Text: First Nations Aspecs

As an Indigenous individual, I can safely say that our ethnicity holds infinite diversity. We are not defined by our backgrounds, our orientations, our attractions, our skin tones, or our physical/facial attributes. - Callie

I found the desexualization of acespec people from society at large a breath of fresh air - Apollo

I feel like there’s more pressure than there should be. I feel like it’s my responsibility to have kids and pass down my language and culture. - Artemis

Picture: The asexual flag with the two spirit feathers
Text: First Nations Aspecs

We are not a monolith. Not our cultures, not our opinions, not our languages, none of it. - Apollo

I would love for the ace community to have more diverse representatives, as I have not seen or spoken to many that are Indigenous. - Callie

I've had people question my heritage just because I identify on the aromantic spectrum. Mostly other indigenous people. - Toni

Picture: The aromantic flag with the two spirit feathers

November is Native American Heritage Month, and November 26 is Native American Heritage Day this year in the United States. With that in mind, we decided to focus on the voices of First Nations and Indigenous ace and aro individuals, to show the wide variety of experiences that exist among the many different nations and cultures represented here. Thank you so much to all our contributors!

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