ASAW 2022 – Aro Men

We continue our series of Aspec Voices for Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week. Once again, we are focusing on the struggles and issues of specific parts of the aro community – people who are often overlooked by mainstream alloromantic people talking about orientations and even hidden within aro communities.

Aromantic men and masculine-aligned people are a minority in our community, and their existence is often doubted, so we wanted to highlight some of their voices. They face different and specific struggles that need to be heard. Thank you to all who volunteered their time and shared their experiences.

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ASAW 2022 – Aros of Ethnic and Racial Minorities

We continue our series of Aspec Voices for Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week. Once again, we are focusing on the struggles and issues of specific parts of the aro community – people who are often overlooked by mainstream alloromantic people talking about orientations and even hidden within aro communities.

Aromantic people of color are too often left out of conversations and representation of our community, so we wanted to highlight some of their voices. Thank you to all who volunteered their time and shared their experiences.

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Aro-Spectrum Awareness Week Proclamation – 2022

Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week begins on February 20th, 2022, but the work for it begins now! In 2021, for the first time, six places in the United States recognized ASAW: DC, Colorado, Michigan, Washington, Virginia, and Minnesota!

We can keep this momentum going – the process for requesting your state to recognize ASAW is fairly simple, and we at TAAAP are here to make it even easier, including a template for submission as well as details on how to submit in every state in the links at the bottom of this page. Submitting a proclamation request to your governor or mayor is a 5 step process:

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The Relationship Between the Aro and Ace Communities – Call for Submissions

We would like to invite any and all people who identify on the aromantic spectrum, asexual spectrum, or both to write a blog post on the topic, “The Relationship Between the Aro and Ace Communities.” This will be a joint blogging event between the Carnival of Aros and the Carnival of Aces, and all posts are due by the end of February. Please read on to learn more.

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