TAAAP was thrilled to participate in a number of different pride events this June. Attending pride events and representing asexuality and aromanticism helps us to spread awareness of our identities and connect with the larger LGBTQ+ community.
Capital Pride Parade in Washington, D.C.

On Saturday, June 8th, we marched in the Capital Pride Parade for the second time. About 20 marchers joined us decked out in ace colors, aro colors, and more. Thanks to a generous donation from Asexuality Archive, we were able to fly full-size greyromantic, demiromantic, grey-asexual, and demisexual flags in addition to the aromantic and asexual flags. We passed out stickers that said “LGBTQIA: the A stands for Asexual, Aromantic, Agender,” and enjoyed meeting aces and aros on the sidelines.

Baltimore Pride Parade

On Saturday, June 15th, we marched in the Baltimore Pride Parade for the first time. We had about 10 marchers in our contingent wearing their most ace and aro attire. The Baltimore Pride Parade felt very community-driven, and we really enjoyed our time there.
Northern Maryland Pride

Several of our members took a road trip up to northern Maryland on Saturday, June 22nd. The first stop was the Frederick Pride Festival. Next, we were pleased to be able to attend the first annual Upper Chesapeake Bay Pride Festival.
WorldPride in New York City

A few of our members attended events in New York City for WorldPride. At the Human Rights Conference on Tuesday, June 25th, we participated on a panel on Overlooked Identities in the Queer Community. Later that week, we were able to attend the premiere screening of the upcoming Asexuals documentary.

On Saturday, June 29th, we attended the Ace & Aro Conference hosted by Aces NYC and AVEN. Asexuality conferences have been a part of WorldPride since it was hosted by London in 2012; however this was the first conference that was also dedicated to aromanticism. The Ace & Aro Conference featured a number of guest speakers as well as unconference-style sessions that allowed attendees to create sessions that best fit what they wanted to attend.

Last but certainly not least, we attended the NYC Pride March on Sunday, June 30th as a part of the Aces NYC marching contingent. About 80 people marched, and we encountered many other aces and aros in the crowds.