November TAAAP Pride Chats – Writing

The November TAAAP Pride Chat will focus on writing. We were inspired by both the October activism conversation, which discussed the need for more writing on aspec identities and experiences, and by NaNoWriMo ( This includes fiction and nonfiction, writing from participants and writing we admire, explicit and implicit aspec representation.

Also, we now have a community page on DreamWidth, to provide a platform that may be more enjoyable or accessible than Discord. You can go here to participate on DreamWidth:

Here’s a guide on how to use Dreamwidth if you’re new to the platform, with specific sections for how to join a community and how to post: Our DreamWidth page will not close, and will not be monitored as closely as the Discord server. Also, there will be no voice chat option on DreamWidth.

The rest of the Discord will still be open, along with the channels specifically to discuss the Carnival of Aros and the Carnival of Aces.

The dates are Saturday, November 28 to Sunday, November 29. We will be open from 9:00 am on Saturday to 2:00 am Sunday, then from 8:00 am Sunday to 11:59 pm Sunday. We’ll have voice chats on both Saturday and Sunday at 11 am and 4 pm. All times are Eastern Time.