September ’22 TAAAP Pride Chats – Mental Health

September is National Suicide Prevention Month in the United States, and September 10 is World Suicide Prevention Day, so the theme for Pride Chats this month is mental health, illness, and wellness! This can cover anything from how you identify/relate to identity, struggles you have had due to accepting your identity or having it accepted by others, and more. As always, we encourage the use of content warnings and spoilers on Discord for any discussion that becomes specific or descriptive.

All of the usual channels will be open, along with the channels specifically to discuss the Carnival of Aros and the Carnival of Aces.

This month’s chat will take place from 10:00 am Eastern Saturday, September 24 to 11:59 pm Eastern Sunday, September 25. (That’s 2 PM GMT Saturday through 3:59 AM Monday) Per usual we will try to have 2 hour voice chats both days, based on availability of participants.