Ace Week 2021 – Ace Men

Text: Ace Men

I have never had any ace question my ace-ness but I feel like as a man they do doubt me and are just being kind. - Joshua Godfrey 

I feel like we need more discussion on the attitudes towards sex that get ingrained into people socialised as men from a young age. It is a difficult thing to break yourself of, and we need compassion towards that. - David

Ace men aren't broken men. Period. - Cody

Picture: Three masculine appearing people wearing ace colors
Text: Ace Men

Men are expected to be actively sexual, and my asexuality defies that assumption. - Daniel

I [...] find it harder to be open about my asexuality to men then I do to women, as I have experienced more aggressive dismissals, rejections and misunderstandings from male spaces than I have from female and non-binary spaces. - Elliot Simpson

[I]f you do not perform to the standard set forth for men, then you will be ostracized for it -Bob O'Boyle

Picture: The symbol of Mars

The theme of Ace Week 2021 is “Beyond Awareness” so we wanted to focus on the struggles and issues of specific parts of the ace community – people who are often overlooked by mainstream allosexual people talking about asexuality and even hidden within ace communities.

Asexual men and masculine-aligned people are a minority in our community, and their existence is often doubted, so we wanted to highlight some of their voices. Thank you to all who volunteered their time and shared their experiences.

Continue reading “Ace Week 2021 – Ace Men”

Ace Week 2021 – Aces of Ethnic and Racial Minorities

Text: "Ace People of Color

If aces of color seem hard to find, it’s because you’re either not looking or we have noticed your racism and intentionally do not want to be found by you.  - Maximus

Racism, colorism, and ableism are common in queer spaces generally so I often find myself feeling incredibly anxious and nervous to join or seek out ace communities. - Jesi

We’re here to stay and we will keep being loud.  We will pave the way and shield other BIPOC aces.  - Mik"

Picture: Three people with different skin tones wearing ace outfits
Text: "Ace People of Color

Share my and fellow BIPOC Ace folk activist content, tip us for our labor, listen to us. - Marshall 

[Non-Black asexuals'] asexuality does not absolve them of their complicity in the fetishization and dehumanization of Black people.  - Sherronda J Brown

We have different experiences and struggles depending on our race and culture and that our stories need to be heard. We need to be represented not just as aces, but as BIPOC aces. - Ally Ravago"

Picture: A hand waving an ace flag

The theme of Ace Week 2021 is “Beyond Awareness” so we wanted to focus on the struggles and issues of specific parts of the ace community – people who are often overlooked by mainstream allosexual people talking about asexuality and even hidden within ace communities.

Asexual people of color are too often left out of conversations and representation of our community, so we wanted to highlight some of their voices. Thank you to all who volunteered their time and shared their experiences.

Continue reading “Ace Week 2021 – Aces of Ethnic and Racial Minorities”

The Relationship Between the Aro and Ace Communities – Call for Submissions

We would like to invite any and all people who identify on the aromantic spectrum, asexual spectrum, or both to write a blog post on the topic, “The Relationship Between the Aro and Ace Communities.” This will be a joint blogging event between the Carnival of Aros and the Carnival of Aces, and all posts are due by the end of February. Please read on to learn more.

Continue reading “The Relationship Between the Aro and Ace Communities – Call for Submissions”

Community Highlight: The Ace Community Survey

Community of Interest: The Ace Community

What they do

Every year during Asexual Awareness Week, the Ace Community Survey team releases a new survey designed to gather data on the ace community. The 2014 census collected upwards of ten thousand responses, and the Ace Community Surveys are the largest existing data pools on asexuality. Please visit their website to learn more and to read past survey results.

Continue reading “Community Highlight: The Ace Community Survey”