December ’21 TAAAP Pride Chats – Discovering Aspec Identities

As we get ready for a new year, let’s think more about our beginnings! The theme for December’s TAAAP Pride Chat is How you discovered your aspec identity. This can be anything from learning about the identities in the first place, to the journey of self-discovery that many of us are still on; after all, many people don’t just discover one aspec identity but continue to redefine themselves over time. It can also be a good time to discuss any doubts or roadblocks in coming to terms with your identity.

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September ’21 TAAAP Pride Chats – Being Aspec in the Workplace and Choosing Where to Be Out

In honor of both the American Labor Day on September 6 and World Beard Day on September 4, the TAAAP Pride Chat will focus on being ace or aro in the workplace, and particularly on how to determine how out to be with your identity. Anyone is welcome to discuss both their experiences in different workplaces, as well as their experiences choosing not to come out or to be closeted in different environments.

(While World Beard Day is a celebration of facial hair on people’s chins, we are also using the common slang for beard, as “a different gendered person dated to cover a same-gendered orientation, often as a way to keep from coming out or staying closeted”.)

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Workshop at Careers in Sexuality Conference 2020

On October 2, 2020, TAAAP will be presenting an online workshop on the identity development of ace and aro people at the Careers in Sexuality Conference. Our workshop will be from 2:30-3:30 Eastern Time. It is directed towards educators and therapists, but will have useful information for anyone who wants to learn more about aromanticism and asexuality. The home page for the conference is here, and you can reserve tickets here.

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Submission #3: The Relationship Between the Aro and Ace Communities

The following is a submission by Iz N. for the February 2019 Carinival of Aros/Carnival of Aces.

I’m asexual and aromantic, and have identified as such for about eight years now. I have mixed feelings about how I fit in with both identities. I’m much quicker to id as ace, if I say anything beyond just “queer”. I think that’s because it’s easier to know I don’t feel sexual attraction than romantic attraction. Sexual attraction, after all, feels like a physical reaction, which, while murky, is at least relatively simple to pin down. This is particularly true since I have a libido, so I know what sexual arousal feels like – it’s just not aimed at anyone.

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