This month’s topic is how ace and aro identities intersect with other LGBTQIA+ identities! This can cover anything from other orientations and identities of yours, to how you participate in LGBTQIA+ communities (or don’t), to how you show allyship. While this topic centers around personal experiences with other LGBTQIA+ identities, the Chats are open to those who are ace/aro/aspec without necessarily identifying as LGBTQIA+ in any way.
Continue reading “August ’21 TAAAP Pride Chats – Intersections with Other LGBTQ+ Identities”TAAAP in the News
Representatives of The Ace and Aro Advocacy Project were featured in prominent news publications several times during Pride 2021, discussing asexuality, aromanticism, and how we celebrate Pride!
Continue reading “TAAAP in the News”Careers in Sexuality Conference Workshop
Developed by members of TAAAP for the 2020 Careers in Sexuality Conference. This workshop discussed the ways in which asexual and aromantic people develop and embrace their identities.
This presentation has been adapted so that it can be used by others. It is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) License (plain text | legal text). If you would like to use this in a presentation where you are being paid to present or some other use outside the scope of this license, please contact us at to ask for permission. It may not be presented at the Creating Change conference without permission.
June 2021 TAAAP Pride Chats

Pride 2021
Happy Pride 2021! This month, in honor of Pride 2021, TAAAP will be hosting two long weekends of discussion, with six different topics.
The overarching topic for the full month is Pride, and we welcome anyone to discuss how they feel or express Pride, and how they feel connected to their ace or aro identity. In addition, everyone is welcome to discuss any topic below on any of the days, so if you are limited to coming on specific days, you can still engage on any of the topics!
The Chats will be open each day from 10 am Eastern through 1:00 am Eastern Daylight Time. (That’s 2 PM GMT through 5 AM GMT.) We will schedule the voice chats when people are available and want to in the server.
Continue reading “June 2021 TAAAP Pride Chats”May ’21 TAAAP Pride Chats – Leisure
As many of us start being able to engage in more in-person activities safely, this month focuses on the kinds of and ways that we enjoy leisure activities, and how being aspec might impact those activities. This can be anything from the entertainment we consume, to the people we spend free time with, to the decisions on when to go out vs. stay in, to the activities one might do alone that are expected to be done with a partner of some kind.
Continue reading “May ’21 TAAAP Pride Chats – Leisure”Creating Change 2021 – Helping Professionals
Developed by members of TAAAP for Creating Change 2021. This session was a chance to hear about the levels of knowledge and types of assumptions therapists and doctors sometimes make about ace and aro identities, then discuss personal experiences with barriers to accessing counselors, doctors, and other healthcare professionals who are knowledgeable and properly inclusive about ace and aro identities. Some time in the session was dedicated to brainstorming the best ways for aspec individuals to receive affirming and competent care, as well as brainstorming avenues for educating these care providers.
Because it included personal information from participants, the transcript is general notes of the topics discussed rather than the full record.
This presentation has been adapted so that it can be used by others. It is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) License (plain text | legal text). If you would like to use this in a presentation where you are being paid to present or some other use outside the scope of this license, please contact us at to ask for permission. It may not be presented at the Creating Change conference without permission.
Creating Change 2021 – Intersections
Developed by members of TAAAP for Creating Change 2021. This session explored how aspec identities intersect and interweave with neurodivergence, disability, and gender.
This presentation has been adapted so that it can be used by others. It is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) License (plain text | legal text). If you would like to use this in a presentation where you are being paid to present or some other use outside the scope of this license, please contact us at to ask for permission. It may not be presented at the Creating Change conference without permission.
April ’21 TAAAP Pride Chats – All Attractions
The April 2021 TAAAP Pride Chat will be focused on any & all attractions, how they are felt, defined, and expressed. While aromantic and asexual people often focus on their romantic or sexual attractions, or lack thereof, this theme is open to discussion of all of the different forms of attraction – feel free to bring your own!
Continue reading “April ’21 TAAAP Pride Chats – All Attractions”March ’21 TAAAP Pride Chats – Platonic Attraction
The March 2021 TAAAP Pride Chat will focus on platonic attraction and its spectrum, including aplatonicism and its inclusion in the aro and ace communities. Some members of the ace and aro communities find the experience, or non-experience, of platonic attraction to be a defining part of their identities.
Continue reading “March ’21 TAAAP Pride Chats – Platonic Attraction”Creating Change 2021 – Including Youth
Developed by members of TAAAP for Creating Change 2021. This session discussed how youth spaces, including schools, youth groups, and queer activism, are already including aro and ace youth as well as how they still need to grow.
This presentation has been adapted so that it can be used by others. It is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) License (plain text | legal text). If you would like to use this in a presentation where you are being paid to present or some other use outside the scope of this license, please contact us at to ask for permission. It may not be presented at the Creating Change conference without permission.