SexPosCon Poster: Why Your Sex Positivity Needs to be Anti-Amatonormative

The Ace and Aro Advocacy Project presented three posters at the 2022 Sex Positivity Conference. The theme was “Sex Positivity is Humanizing”, and we discussed specific aromantic and asexual perspectives on sex positivity.

One poster was Why Your Sex Positivity Needs to be Anti-Amatonormative, developed by Aubri Lancaster, Grey, Nathan, and a goose we unleashed. The abstract for the poster is:

This poster from The Ace and Aro Advocacy Project is called “Why Your Sex Positivity Needs to be Anti-Amatonormative”. While sex positivity is incredibly important, and the movement has done some work toward destigmatizing the separation of sex and romance, that work will not be complete until people understand and recognize the root cause of that stigma. Amatonormativity is the cause of most sex negativity, and without the tools to counteract it, people will not be able to effectively help others become sex positive as well. This poster also looks at the ways that people trying to practice positive sexuality can better support and affirm aromantic spectrum individuals, particularly aromantic allosexuals, whose needs are often overlooked in these contexts and who are especially dehumanised by amatonormativity. This poster also elaborates on compounding impacts regarding aromantics with additional LGBTQ+ identities. In addition, this presentation will show that amatonormativity is central to the ways in which white supremacism and western cultural hegemony attempt to control the sexuality of POC and racial and ethnic minorities. Without understanding that, it is impossible to fight racism in sexuality. This poster also shows the ways that amatonormativity reinforce the patriarchy and toxic masculinity.

This poster also references several other presentations TAAAP has done in the past, including: