May ’22 TAAAP Pride Chats – Aging

Are you old? Are you ready to be? In honor of LGBTQ+ Elders Day on May 16, our next TAAAP Pride Chat will focus on older aspecs and aging. That includes older aspecs speaking about their experiences, the challenges and joys that come with age, as well as the concerns and excitement younger aspecs may have around getting older.

The rest of the Discord will still be open, along with the channels specifically to discuss the Carnival of Aros and the Carnival of Aces.

This month’s chat will take place from 10:00 am Eastern Saturday, May 28 to 11:59 pm Eastern Sunday, May 29. (That’s 2 PM GMT Saturday through 3:59 AM Monday) Per usual we will try to have 2 hour voice chats both days, based on availability of participants.