July ’22 TAAAP Pride Chats – Wrath Month

June is well known as Queer/LGBTQIA+ Pride Month around the world. But July is often referred to as Queer/LGBTQIA+ Wrath Month. So this month we’ll be talking about the causes of our wrath and how to express that wrath in all sorts of ways – from activism to protest to self-care, as taking care of ourselves is one way of resisting the powers that want to prevent us from living our lives the way we want or need to.

We’ll also be discussing how to do so safely and inclusively, since July is also Disability Pride Month, and the needs of those with disabilities are often overlooked when protesting.

The rest of the Discord will still be open, along with the channels specifically to discuss the Carnival of Aros and the Carnival of Aces.

This month’s chat will take place from 10:00 am Eastern Saturday, July 30 to 11:59 pm Eastern Sunday, July 31. (That’s 2 PM GMT Saturday through 3:59 AM Monday) Per usual we will try to have 2 hour voice chats both days, based on availability of participants.