Aspec Perspectives on Masturbation and Libido – Part Three

May is International Masturbation Month. Many people have assumptions about how aspec people, particularly ace people, interact with masturbation and libido – from thinking that people with libidos can’t be asexual to not understanding that masturbation may not be sexual for some people, or that sexual pleasure is not incompatible with asexuality.

Many people volunteered to share their experiences, and we are incredibly grateful to all of them for that. This is the third and last of multiple articles on Aspec Perspectives on Masturbation and Libido.

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Aspec Perspectives on Masturbation and Libido – Part Two

May is International Masturbation Month. Many people have assumptions about how aspec people, particularly ace people, interact with masturbation and libido – from thinking that people with libidos can’t be asexual to not understanding that masturbation may not be sexual for some people, or that sexual pleasure is not incompatible with asexuality.

Many people volunteered to share their experiences, and we are incredibly grateful to all of them for that. This is the second of multiple articles on Aspec Perspectives on Masturbation and Libido.

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Aspec Perspectives on Masturbation and Libido – Part One

May is International Masturbation Month. Many people have assumptions about how aspec people, particularly ace people, interact with masturbation and libido – from thinking that people with libidos can’t be asexual to not understanding that masturbation may not be sexual for some people, or that sexual pleasure is not incompatible with asexuality.

Many people volunteered to share their experiences, and we are incredibly grateful to all of them for that. This is the first of multiple articles on Aspec Perspectives on Masturbation and Libido.

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Lesbian Ace and Aro Perspectives – Part I

April 26 is Lesbian Visibility Day. In its honor, we’re posting an article about the experiences of ace and aro people who identify as lesbians. This includes bi, pan, and other mspec lesbians, they/them and he/him lesbians, non-binary and trans lesbians, sapphics, and anyone else who feels connected to the lesbian identity. Thank you so much to all our contributors!

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Aro Women

We continue our series of Aspec Voices. Once again, we are focusing on the struggles and issues of specific parts of the aro community.

Aromantic women, women-aligned, and feminine-aligned people are usually the majority demographic in aro spaces, but the interaction of what it’s like to be both a woman and aro is often overlooked. Thank you to all who volunteered their time and shared their experiences.

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Ace Women

We continue our series of Aspec Voices. Once again, we are focusing on the struggles and issues of specific parts of the ace community.

Asexual women, women-aligned, and feminine-aligned people are usually the majority demographic in ace spaces, but the interaction of what it’s like to be both a woman and ace is often overlooked. Thank you to all who volunteered their time and shared their experiences.

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ASAW 2022 – Demi and Gray Aros

We continue our series of Aspec Voices for Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week. Once again, we are focusing on the struggles and issues of specific parts of the aro community – people who are often overlooked by mainstream alloromantic people talking about orientations and even hidden within aro communities.

Aromanticism is often seen as a complete absence of sexual attraction, but it is a full spectrum; people in the gray area of the spectrum often go unheard, and we wanted to highlight some of their voices. Thank you to all who volunteered their time and shared their experiences.

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ASAW 2022 – Allosexual Aros

We continue our series of Aspec Voices for Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week. Once again, we are focusing on the struggles and issues of specific parts of the aro community – people who are often overlooked by mainstream alloromantic people talking about orientations and even hidden within aro communities.

Aromanticism is often conflated with asexuality, to the point that many people don’t realize that allosexual aromantics exist, and they are unseen within aro and larger populations. We wanted to highlight the voices of allosexual aromantics. Thank you to all who volunteered their time and shared their experiences.

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ASAW 2022 – Sex Favorable Aros

We continue our series of Aspec Voices for Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week. Once again, we are focusing on the struggles and issues of specific parts of the aro community – people who are often overlooked by mainstream alloromantic people talking about orientations and even hidden within aro communities.

Because romance is often tied to sex, aromantics who are sex favorable often feel ostracized both in aro communities as well as in wider society. We wanted to highlight some of their voices. Thank you to all who volunteered their time and shared their experiences.

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ASAW 2022 – Single or Non-Partnering Aros

We continue our series of Aspec Voices for Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week. Once again, we are focusing on the struggles and issues of specific parts of the aro community – people who are often overlooked by mainstream alloromantic people talking about orientations and even hidden within aro communities.

Our society is set up to prioritize romantic relationships and often marginalizes people who are permanently single or non-partnering. Since there are many aromantic people who identify as single or non-partnering, we wanted to hear from them about how this impacts their lives and experiences within aro communities.

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